Change, Loss and Uncertainty
Hallmarks of the Ascension Process

If you’ve been experiencing a lot of change, loss and uncertainty in your life lately, you can know you are deep into your ascension process. These are perhaps the most common indications that you’re in the process of making your way through the higher Fourth Dimension, preparing you to eventually enter the Fifth.

But it’s generally not a lot of fun, dealing with this process. Many people are finding that so much is changing in their lives and within their being, it can be frightening. They feel lost, without a compass to guide them through the ever-shifting reality they’ve entered into.

It seems to be harder than ever to know which decision to make in any moment, not knowing where it might take you. The old ways of feeling certain about your life seem to be falling away — the old relationships that used to provide comfort, the old situations that gave you a sense of financial stability, and the old beliefs that used to guide you. There’s nothing much to hold onto anymore to feel safe and certain of who you are and where you’re going.

You are a Pioneer

And this is because you are a pioneer on this path into the Fifth Dimension. Most people haven’t a clue yet about this journey. It’s a whole new experience for humanity—and one also that evidently no other beings in the universe have ever made before, while taking their physical bodies with them. So much of it is still unknown.

But you, as a courageous lightworker, have volunteered to go ahead as a pioneer to help forge this path.

As a result, you may find there are not yet a lot of road signs where you are traveling or obvious pointers as to which way to go at any given point. You may feel totally alone on the path. Unidentified crossroads may confuse you; apparent dead ends may cause you to doubt yourself. You may have to backtrack and choose a different unknown road to take, often to another unknown destination. It’s no wonder you can feel lost for a while until you find your bearings again.

Trust is the Only Option

There are times when your only option is to make the leap into total trust—trust of the Universe, Source, Higher Self—whatever you want to call the guidance you find within you. Outer sources of information—opinions of friends and family, or experts you find—just don’t cut it anymore.

Nor do the thoughts your rational mind is generating based on information you’ve received from the outside. Your mind only knows how to fruitlessly spin its wheels when trying to understand things that are beyond its capabilities.

What you hear from these sources may have worked in the past when you were still functioning fully within third-dimensional consciousness. But you’re now in unknown higher-dimensional territory, and your guidance at this point has to come from within you.

Trusting the messages from this inner source requires a trust you may have never had to develop before. In the past, it was relatively easy to determine how to survive — physically, financially, and emotionally. You could figure out how to get the things you needed and the emotional support you craved from people and circumstances around you.

But now, you may have come to realize that this strategy doesn’t work very well anymore. And, if you’re really self-aware, you may also see how trying to continue living in this way keeps you in a low-level state of anxiety, especially if you come to realize in the end that you have very little control over many outer conditions.

Shifting Toward the Fifth Dimension

As you move toward fifth-dimensional consciousness, you will find you need to let go of this limited strategy. If you are strongly attached to believing that things and people outside of you are responsible for your sense of safety, survival and happiness, you will probably be given the opportunity to find out that they are not. Many of these outer supports may disappear (either temporarily or permanently) to show you this.

If, for example, you lose your job, your life savings, your health, or an important relationship—know that this learning dynamic may be what’s operating. Instead of panicking, see if you can drop inside yourself and align with a trust that you will find the means of survival and stability in other ways—perhaps in ways that will bring you an even greater sense of joy, security and freedom.

Stay in the Present Moment

Remember: if you can stay in the present moment and not be panicked about what may happen in the future, you can usually find you are really okay right now. You have all the essential things you need to be reasonably comfortable and at peace.

And think about it: you really never know what’s around the corner up ahead of you—especially these days. Something very surprising can appear that will help you handle the hurdle you see in the future, something that will “save” you. If you reflect for a moment, you have probably had little miracles like this occur for you in the past. There are so many things that can happen out of the blue that you have no idea about.

Expect miracles, truly expect them—and they will happen. The higher fourth-dimensional energies now flooding the planet can create them for you with ease.

Surrendering to What-Is

Still, it’s true—expecting miracles and looking within yourself for your security may be difficult at those times when you’re in great fear. If all familiar supports are falling away, and who you’ve known yourself to be seems to be disappearing, it can feel terrifying.

What you need to do at such times is to simply surrender to what-is in the moment—fully accept all of the situation, along with all your emotional reactions to it, as your reality at the present moment—without judgment, struggle, or grasping. Allow yourself to let go and just be with yourself with all of it, while consciously loving yourself with compassion. But don’t fall into your misery or wallow in it. Stay conscious and be fully with yourself, choosing to surrender to what feels beyond you to fix — and trust that a higher YOU will step in to resolve the situation.

Discovering the Real YOU

If you look closely, you will realize that the disappearing parts of yourself are just parts of your personality self that are leaving. You discover that there’s a Higher YOU inside that never changes. It’s the YOU that was the same when you were 3 years old, 15 and 35 years old. It is, and always has been, the YOU that is real.

It is also the one that has always been leading you through life, whether you’ve been aware of it or not. In these current experiences of deep insecurity and loss of connection to outer supports, know that you are being called to trust this Higher YOU — your Higher Self.

See if you can trust that it knows exactly what it’s doing in bringing about changes in your life, including losses that initially seem painful. Know that the things you are losing are likely essential for you to lose so as to prepare you for entering the Fifth Dimension.

Trust Turns into Knowing

In fifth-dimensional consciousness, there is no reliance on anything in the outer world for a sense of safety or survival. There is only reliance on trust—trust that life will bring you absolutely everything you need, when you need it. And you find that this happens over and over again. Eventually this trust is replaced by a secure knowing, a certainty based on your own experience in seeing that you are always taken care of.

But until that knowing fully develops, trust is what you need to rely on. Trust that you are being guided and taken care of with the utmost compassion and wisdom. And, with trust as your guide, you will find synchronicities blooming all around you; little miracles will become commonplace in your life. And the more you live from this place of trust, the stronger your trust will become.

You’ll see that there is nothing outside in the world that is permanent or totally dependable for your safety or survival. But with the trust you have inside, it won’t matter. You’ll have everything you need.

Learning to live fully from a place of trust is not always easy. But the relaxation and freedom from fear you experience when you begin to achieve this are monumental and will change your entire experience of life.


About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.
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7 Responses to Change, Loss and Uncertainty
Hallmarks of the Ascension Process

  1. Rhonda Marin says:

    Such a breath of fresh air, vibrating with truth and divine inspiration. Thank you for these strengthening words of power and wisdom. Onward and upward.

  2. Galaero A.E. Aurelius says:

    man o man – this read of yours — Change, Loss and Uncertainty Hallmarks of the Ascension Process

    this has hit me right on… right now… I knew and could feel how well done your timing is for any of us out knowingly aware of the ascending process is doing to us… the whole thing of letting go of all lower vibrational energies from our many past embodiments no matter how many and great and painful they were and could be to relive them again so we can forgive and forget them… let them go, so they too can be free to play again in this life of every lasting… for all sentient beings no matter who or what they are in 3D density… Thank you Vidya I totally enjoy reading your wisdom and knowing… it is a pleasure to have and now you …..again Thank you ! The synchronistic timing was perfect for me and I hope and know it is for any one you finds your website.

  3. Lin da miller says:

    Always inspiring with perfect timing. Thank you for continuing to share wisdom and upliftment. My peace of Being significantly shaken these days. Your contextualization really helps.sending love.

  4. Shri Estes says:

    Thank-You so much for your clarity and wisdom! This morning I just read this as I wondered how I would get through my day and what you have written is a wonderful reminder and has helped to shift my focus for this present moment! Again, thank-you.

  5. Eva says:

    Stumbled upon your article today and it provided beautiful insight regarding the changes and fears I’m experiencing.Thank you!

  6. Pingback: Trust Is The Only Option | Shift Frequency

  7. Rya Mary Jacob says:

    Hi Vidya, I keep coming to your articles to read them when faced with self doubt, uncertainty. Thankyou for these detailed and thorough explanation.

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