Keeping Sane During these Transitional Times

Whoa! These are intense times we’re in, aren’t they?

The holidays may be finally lightening your mood a bit, but the last month or so has been amazingly chaotic for most of us. Between the US election, horrendous hurricanes and flooding, and the escalation of the two wars, it has been quite a ride.

Even trying to discern what might be true – as opposed to mis-, dis- or malinformation – has been exhausting.

And then, of course, there is the increased ascension process all of us have been experiencing that has been overwhelming at times, as well – all the arising and releasing of personal traumas that have also been occurring. It’s been a lot to handle.

We are in the Transitional Times

It’s easy to get caught up in all this and fall into bouts of anxiety, fear, and confusion.

And to forget what we all know, at least to some degree, about the fact that all this is happening because we are now moving rapidly into the core of hugely chaotic Transitional Times.

These are times that have been predicted in prophesies and spiritual texts since ancient times, as well as occurring within stories that numerous indigenous tribes around the world have passed on for many generations – times that would be occurring before the monumental shift into 5D. It’s easy to forget this bigger picture of what’s happening on Earth at this time.

But, if we can remember it, it can make life so much easier. We can stay somewhat sane as we get bounced around by events and energies, because it can give us a sense of perspective on all that’s happening. And remind us that these tumultuous times may even be necessary – as part of the shift into a much higher frequency on the planet – which may be happening in the very near future.

Indeed, there are predictions now that the Shift may actually happen in the first part of 2025.

But first – we will need to find our way through what may be increasingly challenging times.

How to Make it Through these Chaotic Transitional Times

In order to assist you in doing this, I have written a short and easy-to-read 14-page e-book that will remind you of all you’ve probably been learning over the years about the huge Shift into 5D that humanity will soon be making.

It’s the story of how humanity has essentially been a captured species for thousands of years and is now finally about to experience freedom – and is poised to make a wondrous and monumental shift into a much higher frequency.

If you’re interested in reading it, here is the link:

How to Make it thru Chaotic Transitional Times draft

Meanwhile, hopefully you can relax and enjoy your holidays, despite all that’s going on in the world!

About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.
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6 Responses to Keeping Sane During these Transitional Times

  1. Gracious says:

    Precious Heart, you are such a treasure. You’re obviously tapped into very powerful wisdom on many levels. I would love to gather with anyone reading this sometime before solstice to pray and meditate upon New Earth NOW.
    I have been living in such fear and dread for this entire year and I’m so tired of it and I AM ready for the Great shift. Thank you so much for listening.

  2. Bob Saxon says:

    Thank you Vidya for this timely reminder, as it is very easy to forget what these times are really about. I do find it interesting that the matrix has created a world of duality and separation, yet many spiritual/new age teachers/healers are actually doing the same by suggesting that we move away from those friends and family members who don’t agree with our perspectives. That just furthers the separation.

    • Belinda says:

      Interesting – read thanks Vidya . Thank you – I AM around many that aren’t waking up – but I AM noticing a huge difference in their energy – they are happier- kinder – wanting to chat. They made different decisions medically – but they are all – my experience only – have lost something that was there but has healed. It’s super challenging not being able to share what we innately innerstand- that’s been tough . Everyone is at different levels consciousness -but things are definitely shifting. The energies coming in have been easier to navigate – but all the hype with 25th makes me uncomfortable – can’t understand things. Read Ismael book – not all resonated – but keeping an open and positive mind – Heart to all this transformation unfolding. Any media stuff makes me feel totally off – all distraction as things people suddenly resigning. There is so much
      I feel is happening in the higher realms and we Are being loved and looked after. It’s just the releasing of generations trauma – grief has been a buggy for me. But a new day – sun shines – stay in nature – pretty well all my day. Thanks Vidya it’s such a journey – a surf board would have helped with the waves coming in🤣 feel amazing than go down again – reposition get up – 💕Feel it’s super super close just keep on visualising an amazing beautiful 2.0 for ALL 🦘🐎🐎🐎Belinda

  3. Lisa 'Sunya' says:

    THANK YOU AGAIN VIDYA! Yes! The Shift is getting intense….really feelin’ it now…trying to keep it together and support others, ‘cos that’s what we’re here for isn’t it! OMG we knew it would be hard….but, well…OMG! So! I am very thankful for your emails, wisdom, knowledge and support to keep going! TRUST THE PROCESS Ha! Ha! Hasta Pronto!
    Sunya 🎩 🪄

  4. Arthur says:

    It will have to be soon! The 2012 gateway that reached its peak in 2012, will be closing in 2031. The planet will also be making changes to her surface and humanity will not be able to stay on her while these changes are made. We will have to be taken off planet. Jim Tourtsakis of the 144k group said this would happen around 2037 or 2042. The Ashtar command has millions of ships stationed to evacuate us. Some will stay on ships others will be taken to other planets to learn technologies for use in rebuilding the new earth once we are put back on the surface. We have to be ready and in 5d level awareness before all that happens. And the truth is we are over due. We were supposed to ascend in 2020but they started a plandenmic to stop the energy.
    Peace Arthur

  5. Wendy says:

    Heartfelt thanks Vidya. Much love to All.

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