Relationship Challenges during Your Ascension Process

Relationships have never been easy on this planet while it’s been resonating at the frequency of 3D — especially between men and women. There are many reasons for this. But, since 2020 and the outbreak of the so-called “pandemic” of a virus, relationships have been all the more challenging for many people. The bifurcation that had already been occurring within humanity due to Ascension — some people heading toward 5D and others not — has become all the more obvious, and conflicts with loved ones have been heart-breaking.

Here are some blogs that might be helpful in understanding what is going on — and how to resolve the conflicts you may be experiencing in your relationships.

Is Ascension Impacting Your Relationships?

If you are experiencing challenging conflicts in your relationships, it is no surprise. Indeed, it appears to be a common ascension symptom at this point…

How to Clear Conflicts with People from a 5D Point of View

Are you finding lately that when you come into conflict with another person, it can be more painful than ever before?

Opening to 5D Love

There is perhaps no feeling quite like that of suddenly experiencing your heart bursting open to a Love that fills your entire being and streams out to everyone and everything around you…

Shifting to 5D Relationships

If you are deep into the Ascension process at this point, you are probably realizing that one of the areas of your life that is undergoing a “dimensional remodel” is that of your relationships with other people…

And here is a youtube that may also be helpful:

Experiencing 5D Oneness