Reality is Getting Really Wonky

Have you noticed how life is getting stranger and stranger these days? How reality somehow isn’t as predictable as it used to be? How illogical certain things are?

Granted, weird things have always happened from time to time, things we could never truly explain or understand. But lately, so much just seems absolutely…well, wonky.

Technology Weirdness

Take technology, for example. Yeah, it’s never been totally reliable over the years.

But lately, truly strange things seem to happen a lot these days – like how there are posts and videos that simply disappear from one day to the next. And sometimes emails too, right out of your inbox.

Data you could have sworn you had on your phone yesterday has suddenly disappeared. Texts you know you sent somehow never reached their destination.

Of course, there’s a lot more fraud and censoring happening lately. And there are the strange things that people are doing with AI online now. But still, there are things that just don’t make sense, even considering all that. It can make you wonder if you’re going a little crazy.

And then, what about the whole internet going down for a number of hours all across a huge swath of the US not long ago? What was that? Sun flares? The Deep State? The  White Hat Alliance? We may never know.

People Behaving Strangely

Then there are people who seem to be doing things they never did before, at least not so often.

Like walking blindly right in back of your car as you’re slowly and obviously backing out in a parking lot.

Or, while driving, they’re making crazy turns or scary decisions. We really have to be extra alert these days when we’re on the road.

And how about the amazing numbers of intelligent, well-educated people who continue to get the thing in the arm and wear masks, despite the huge amounts of information out there at this point about all that craziness. Totally baffling. And they’re still watching mainstream news. Really?!

And the whole trans thing that’s happening. It’s downright perplexing. Long after most people were generally accepting and even embracing the idea of gay couples, along with the fact that some were choosing to physically change their gender – not a big deal – this whole sudden hullabaloo about gender happened, wreaking havoc within all our institutions.

Time Weirdness

And then there’s the strange thing happening with time, right? How the weeks and months are just whizzing past us these days. Where the heck did 2023 go?

But then there are also those days every once in a while that seem to go on and on and on and never end. It’s enough to make you think you’ve been living on a whole new planet for the past few years.

What’s Happening to our Skies?

Then there’s no getting around the fact that very weird things are happening in our skies lately. Northern Lights moving southward, UFOs/UAPs appearing routinely for ordinary people to see, strange weather phenomena, eery cloud formations.

All kinds of theories are out there explaining these things — whistleblowers with information about who’s causing them. But still, it’s really weird to integrate this stuff into your sense of how reality works – along, of course, with the fact that extraterrestrial life has been present on this planet forever, if this is also news to you.

You’re Going Crazy

Perhaps you’ve discovered that you and someone else you know have completely different memories about a certain event you were both part of.

Kind of a smaller version of the phenome-non called the “Mandela Effect”. Which, in itself, is really weird, right?

Maybe you’ve also experienced things disappearing from where you know you put them. And then finding them later on in a totally different place. Or not finding them at all. Some of us can decide it’s probably something simply happening because of our age; we’re getting forgetful. But not everyone has that to blame this phenomenon on.

Internal Shifts

And these are just little, somewhat disturbing things that are occurring to us.

What about the more weighty things we’re also experiencing that are really weird?

Like feeling that our old sense of identity is fading away…or the feeling of slipping in and out of dimensional realities…or the sensation that we’ve just made a timeline jump? What about all the strange symptoms we’re having that just get explained away as “ascension symptoms”?

And all the losses we’re experiencing, the friends and family members we’re losing for one reason or another? What about the loss of energy, enthusiasm, and joy we once had for life? For some, life has become unrecognizable.

The Strangest is Yet to Come

And yet, if what so many are predicting for this year finally comes about, maybe the strangest shift in reality of all is still ahead of us: Disclosure of what the global elite has been doing to the world, and who in particular have been part of it all.

The astrology happening this year is certainly promising us this – and so are many other less esoteric sources.

Even those of us who have been waiting and waiting for full disclosure to finally happen may be thrown by what we learn. But for those who will have had no idea about any of it, reality is going to tilt in some terrifying ways. Especially if they start finally learning the real reason so many people have been dying lately. And why there are so many children missing across the world.

Meanwhile, we really need to be alert about  something else happening recently that is rather disquieting: the fact that not all of the disclosure coming out at this time — even on the more reliable alternative news sites — is accurate.

This is especially so, now that AI apps like Chatbox Gemini are appearing with which you can come up with an image of General George Washington as a black man. Or of  black Vikings.

It’s kind of funny — but actually kind of scary, if you think about it in terms of really wanting to know the truth about something.

More than ever, we have to beware of misinformation, disinformation and malinformation (God, what a world we’re living in — the fact that there are now three different words for stuff that isn’t true. You just have to shake your head in wonderment!). It’s enough to turn your mind to mush, trying to figure it all out.

The Wonky Factor

So why are all these strange things happening at this point? My daughter recently referred to this phenomenon that’s now occurring in reality as the “Wonky Factor”.

I’ve decided it’s as good a term as any to describe this thing that seems to be happening during these last days of our existence prior to shifting into the Fifth Dimension.

Perhaps it’s a rather silly term for some of the more serious and heart-breaking phenomena that are occurring. But it’s maybe good to keep things somewhat light for those of us who are empath-lightworker types who need to keep steady while so much happening in the world continues to break down around and within us.

It Makes Sense

At any rate, there seems to be a simple explanation as to why all these strange things are happening at this point:  The false 3D matrix is in the process of falling apart; and, simultaneously, a whole new higher-dimensional operational system is beginning to assert itself into our reality. There’s nothing really solid and steady we can fully count on anymore; everything’s shifting. So it makes sense that weird, unpredictable things would naturally be happening.

And, in this process, we ourselves are also going through huge shifts, as we morph increasingly faster into our higher-frequency selves. Parts of us are falling away, and new abilities are suddenly showing up.

As we’re finding out, passing through the Fourth Dimension is quite a complicated feat. I guess we’ll just eventually get used to all the weirdness that’s involved in it.

And when something strange and inexplicable happens, perhaps we’ll just say, “Oh, it’s probably just the wonky factor at play”. And not think much more about it.

Or maybe we’ll hear someone warn us: “Be careful when going out today – there’s seems to be very spotty reception for logic, reason and how things used to work. There’s a lot of wonky factor happening.”

About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.
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7 Responses to Reality is Getting Really Wonky

  1. Al Cambrola says:

    Hi Vidya,
    There are so many people who are noticing the “wonkiness.”
    Reality is different. Many, including myself say you can feel it too. Out in the stores, there is just this feeling an edginess in the air. Yet, there are many who continue to visit Walgreens and get the thing and haven’t a clue. Thanks for your blog.

  2. BAMc says:

    Yep…definitely wonky!! As an Empath and HSP, some days I feel overwhelmed with it all!! I find myself being less and less able to navigate the outside world because my sensitivities are on high alert. It wipes me out just going into the store or out to run errands. Driving used to be enjoyable to me…now it’s damned scary. Thanks for helping me keep up with it all and explain stuff so I can realize it’s not just me. Your posts help me stay halfway sane 🤷‍♀️ Hope you are safe in this crazy weather too!! How ‘bout that blizzard in the Sierras…WOW😳❄️💨😳⁉️

  3. Ruth Joy says:

    Thanks Vidya – You’re spot on w/this – Glad to know it’s not just me – I feel like a stranger in a strange land – But thanks to people like you, Gregg Braden, Neal Donald Walsh, Bruce Lipton & Dr. Joe Dispenza (my 4 Quantum Super Hero’s) plus Patricia Cota Robles, I have a clue to what’s happening & why – What a glorious & historical time for Gaia & all humanity to experience as we slip into the 5 Dimension, even tho it gets curiouser & curiouser – Now I have a clue how Alice felt when she fell down the rabbit hole – One of the most spectacular things that recently occurred to me, is I could suddenly see how much watching TV was influencing my emotions & perceptions of things – It’s an energy Vampire – So I got rid of it & started reading books & following spiritual teachings on the internet – Surprisingly no one is telling us outright to stop watching TV because it hijacks our minds & emotions, & programs us in negative ways – I suspect everyone is afraid to attack the media for fear of being retaliated against, or dying suddenly from some strange phenomenon – Any how, my life is so much richer now – I Am in my 80’s & I learn something new about myself everyday – My new super hero’s are real live people, more powerful & braver than the ones on film – And they give me permission to be that way too – What incredible times we are experiencing – Stop taking it all so seriously & remember, it’s all an illusion … it’s all a game – Enjoy the rollercoaster ride – Namaste’

  4. Belinda Warfield says:

    Sending Love to Everyone here – Yes I can relate To you ALL💕 I AM in Nth QLD .- to catch up with friends 2 🙏it’s several hours drive. We work out if it’s too Wonky 😉as there is unusual road behaviours. 😉The phone is not the same for giving a real HUG with few special ones that are on our Page💕My centreing is each day is walking with my dog – sitting under this most magnificent tree Rain / shine. Than walking Home and watching the most amazing Clouds – We are being guided watched over by benevolent beings. Thanks Vidya Love getting your web site and seeing the updates. A few weeks ago – I drove to a country town – to a health food shop – I always meet random people – that truly want to have a laugh chat . Last person was a lady negotiating parking – I helped her – we started chatting – 2 hrs later after coffee / tea we exchanged phone no’s . She was in her 80’s too💕She had a great sense humour said last time she went to Sydney she had to Buy duct tape 🤣as her daughter family were totally different Page. Much Love Vidya – Everyone here 🙏💕Belinda QLD AU

  5. Meretene Mary Cunningham says:

    Yes, indeed everything is getting weirder and weirder and I’m in my late 70’s. I find I cannot do anything around my home without asking for more ‘strength’ to cope with any outdoor activities. I am a widow and have had my granddaughter and her family living with me and it’s a challenge of why they can’t think for themselves and they need to be told what to do to make our lives more comfortable. It’s very tiring I’m asking each and everyday for patience, understanding, calmness, and especially strength. I know my health is deteriorating but each day has to be treated with appreciation otherwise nothing will get done around here. I achieve a little bit at a time and I get satisfaction from what I achieve personally even if others don’t see what has changed around them – it goes unnoticed but I know I did it myself and that’s all that matters. Thank you Vidya for your post yes, things are differently “wonky.” and very puzzling and strange times. Lets pray it’s for the betterment of mankind and a positive one.

  6. Jewels Maloney says:

    Ohhh Yes! Exactly what I’ve been experiencing re Time, as you give examples here. this has been going on for quite some “time” with me. I see it now as being “out of time” actually – living in timelessness. And also I am aware that I AM very expanded also, kind of like moving beyond “space” too! Ha!

  7. Suzy Rasmussen says:

    I find it very scary that things I do — the same things that must be done on my farm — bring no feeling of pleasure or satisfaction. Yesterday in the warm sunshine I did the first mowing of my extensive lawns, then cleaned last year’s debris from some garden beds, When done, I looked at it all and felt just flat! I felt sucker-punched because it didn’t go away and I wondered if this is what we are in for with Identity Meltdown. It’s important that we reach out and feel/contact our Souls, try to move into their energy and embody it, but this new aspect of moving into 5d feels overwhelming, like I truly do not recognize myself or have any idea what to do about getting some warmth and comfort for myself back. Everything feels just insane!

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