Shifting into 2021:
Standing Strong in Peace and Love

Please join me for a radio show on which I will be interviewed by Host, Sharon Wikoff, on

Monday, January 4, at 12 noon Pacific Time

We will be discussing what we can expect to occur in 2021. We will focus, in particular, on information about the US election – much of which has been distorted or omitted from the mainstream news – and the ramifications of what may be happening just ahead of us on January 6 when the electoral college delegates meet with Congress to determine who will be the next president.

I will be presenting information from alternative investigative journalists and whistle-blowers, many of whom have now been massively censored. But Sharon and I will also discuss these events from within the spiritual context of the larger picture of the Aquarian Age and the dimensional Shift into 5D — and what our role as Lightworkers is now, as we move into times that may well become even more chaotic in the year ahead of us.

We are living in the times that have been predicted in prophesies throughout the ages in multiple cultures around the world: it’s a grand birth process, and births are always chaotic events. But these are the times that we Lightworkers have purposely incarnated into, in order to participate in this transition. We are here to assist humanity in making the quantum leap of consciousness into the Fifth Dimension.

And we are needed now, more than ever, to stand strong within our spiritual wisdom and light, because there may be unprecedented, deeply unsettling events that unfold, especially in the first few months ahead of us. We need to be as present as possible to  help calm and guide others through this challenging passageway into the New Earth consciousness of love, peace, compassion, understanding and cooperation — despite what may be happening in the outer world.

Humanity is now on a secure timeline heading into the Fifth Dimension — but how long it will take and how smooth a ride it will be is up to how many of us can hold a powerful, light-filled, compassionate, and steady consciousness through this next year.

Sharon has entitled the show:

Seeing Life with New Eyes in 2021:  Standing in Peace with Non-Action to Chaos!

She describes it this way:

This presentation is to share with you an overview of what appears to be playing out on Planet Earth, as we begin 2021. As promising as this shift in consciousness could be with the coming of the new Age of Aquarius and the possibility of much light coming to the planet, it is accompanied by much darkness. Just as the volcano explodes when it can no longer hold its tumultuous contents, so too are many aspects of big business, government and political organizations about to erupt as their webs of deceit, aggression and exploitation are exposed.

As light workers, we are here to support the planet and its transition; let us deeply know that this interim stage is just that…an interim stage. There are numerous grassroots groups working to bring about new possibilities for the emergence of a new world. And yet there will be much darkness revealed that may be deeply devastating for some to hear.

Each of you… are a blessing for this new world and can make the difference in its outcome! As we witness these in between challenging times, let us remember to stay open minded, with an open heart. and grow in our capacity to just “hold” what is revealed without acting! We need to just “hold” the chaos, to “hold” the unworkability, knowing that there is a Divine plan working its way out. And that Plan will return love, truth, light, peace, compassion and wisdom to the planet and our World Mother…Our Earth will be restored and brought into balance!

Note: Unfortunately, the record button was never pushed for this interview, so there is no replay for it. But I am in the process of creating a youtube containing much of the same information — plus an update of what has happened since. I will post it when it’s complete.

Join Us for a Zoom Meeting on Monday, January 4 at 12 noon Pacific Time:

Meeting ID: 863 1457 3173

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* * * *

Sharon Ann Wikoff has been a student of Ageless Wisdom for over five decades and for thirty-five years the focus of her work was on the “Art of Listening to Children”. She has written four eBooks: The Art of Listening to Infants & Young Children, The 10 Minute Miracle: Listening to the Older Child, Daddy, Why Are We Different? and Honoring Your Own Spiritual Journey. Sharon holds two teaching credential, Elementary Education and Adult Education. She’s worked as an elementary teacher, a Mommy and Me class facilitator and as the director of Children’s Education at several metaphysical churches.
Her present focus is to support people in the transition we are currently going through so they can be and hold a center of PEACE no matter what arises in their inner world or from outer circumstances. She works with individuals new to the spiritual path, one on one and in small groups with a focus on self-enquiry and spiritual practice. Her radio program, the Voice of Change, has aired since 2009. Recent programming focuses on universal truths, living principles and the difference each person makes as they deeply embody a life of PEACE! She has had numerous spiritual teachers throughout her life, from both the eastern and western traditions. In 2015 she was guided to Sat Shree, an enlightened Teacher, and is grateful for his teachings, trainings and transmission. She can be reached through her website,

About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.
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6 Responses to Shifting into 2021:
Standing Strong in Peace and Love

  1. Betsy says:

    Do you know if this will be recorded and available afterwards to listen to? I am not sure of my availability to listen to this live yet.

    Thanks again Vidya for all that you do to keep information coming…and giving comfort to light workers about 5D and New Earth Consciousness❣️

    Also…as things unfold into the new year…I am finding myself more and more disappointed/disillusioned by the people, places and things in my life. And I know a lot more is about to be revealed. But the worse part is that my so-called friends and some of the people that I have been very close to are starting to feel like complete strangers to me. I feel it necessary for us to part ways if I want to continue my true path…yet another proverbial fork-in-the-road thing! I am having trouble connecting. I know on a heart/soul level that…all that is happening…is necessary for my spiritual growth…but I am finding myself very alone and even sad. I struggle to find my tribe. I am such a highly sensitive introvert that I find groups to be too overwhelming. They are often filled with mind boggling amounts of TMI and/or stuff that is not even relevant to their purpose. I am more of a quality time 1-on-1 type of person. I find most of my comfort in a few books (yours in particular), a select few blogs like yours and a few mentors. Those are what keep me going and hopeful that I can sustain these new energies in 2021 @ age 69. I AM TIRED‼️

    • Vidya Frazier says:

      Betsy — my heart so goes out to you. Yes, these days of accelerated ascension have been difficult for so many people for the same reasons you’ve expressed here. Family members and old friends are drifting away, because they are either on a slower ascension path — or may not even be headed for the Fifth Dimension during this incarnation at all. And it’s so challenging to let them go. But this is what we have to do, and to trust that everything really is perfectly divinely orchestrated. Soul tribes are coming together, though, these days — and much of it has to happen at this point online. But this won’t always be true. Do your best to trust the process, knowing you will come together at some point with people who totally understand you and are focused on similar goals. You are being lovingly guided toward fifth-dimensional consciousness.
      much love to you — Vidya

      • Betsy McCullen says:

        Thank You Vidya (and thanks for fixing the comments glitch ?)! I really enjoyed the above Zoom Meeting. It resonated with me on every level! Within my deepest being I trust things more than ever before and I know this is what I have been waiting for my whole life! Hope there will be another meeting (or more) in the future ?

  2. Catherine says:

    Hi Betsy, I can so relate to everything you say! I have found a lot of sustenance on the Golden Age of Gaia website, perhaps you frequent it as well. That’s where I first discovered Vidya.

    There is a forum on Golden Age of Gaia of which I am now moderator. You are welcome to come and find like-minded folks there.

    Love & Light,


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