Author Archives: Vidya Frazier

About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.

Ascension Lightworkers Have a Specific Task

Ascension lightworkers have a specific task.I used to assume that everyone on a conscious spiritual path was here on the planet at this time with a specific mission to assist humanity and the Earth through the Shift into the Fifth Dimension. I have realized this is apparently not so.

Have you noticed that some spiritually-focused people you know light up immediately when you begin speaking about the Shift occurring on the planet—and some don’t?

Some people are right there with you, excited about the planetary transition into the Fifth Dimension (or at least are interested in learning about it). And some people, although very committed to their own awakening and might generally consider themselves “Lightworkers”, simply don’t relate to it very much.… Read more ...

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Are You Experiencing Ascension Symptoms?

Ascension symptoms are common.If you’ve been feeling increasingly strange lately, it may be Ascension symptoms you’re experiencing. As time goes on, the powerful streaming of Light that’s flooding the planet is affecting us more and more on all levels. The Shift is now in full swing.

Many people aren’t aware of what’s causing their unusual symptoms and are feeling alone and lost as they traverse the unfamiliar territory we’re all now moving through as we awaken to the Fifth Dimension. It can be helpful to understand the context of the Ascension process and to realize there’s a reason for the sometimes disconcerting experiences many of us are having.… Read more ...

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Learning Trust
On Your Journey into the Fifth Dimension


The following is an excerpt from my new book, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, describing an important aspect of the Ascension process many of us are now experiencing: Trust.


 Ascension demands learning to trust.If you learn nothing else on your journey into the Fifth Dimension, it’s going to be trust. In particular, trust of the Unknown…trust that you’re being guided, no matter how alone you may feel…trust that whatever is happening to you is absolutely right for you–as unsettling and unfamiliar as it may be at times.

Over time, you will see that you are traveling on the “road less traveled”.… Read more ...

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On Your Journey into the Fifth Dimension

Are Fifth-Dimensional Energies Healing Our Bodies?

 Healing energies from the Fifth Dimension are streaming onto the planet.Over the years, I have heard from a number of both inner and outer sources that many of us will be taking our physical bodies with us to the Fifth Dimension when we ascend.

And that, before this occurs, our bodies will begin healing themselves of all disease and imbalances in the process of transforming from carbon-based forms to crystalline-based ones so they can ascend with us.

As incredible or unlikely as this might sound, this notion has always rung true for me. I have somehow known on a deep intuitive level that this would inevitably start happening for people.

However, it was never clear to me that it might happen for ME.… Read more ...

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Detachment & Withdrawal: Are these Ascension Symptoms?


The following is an excerpt about Ascension Symptoms from my new book, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension:

 As you shift out of third-dimensional consciousness, another experience you may encounter is a sense of detachment toward almost everything in your life. In one way this can feel good—it’s an experience of more distance from old patterns or issues that used to trigger you. And a sense of calm, as you view your life from a higher perspective.

Lack of Interest in Your Life

But, in another way, the detachment may be disconcerting or disorienting. For instance, you may be experiencing a growing lack of interest in your life, a sense of withdrawal from it.… Read more ...

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Stepping out of the Void

 Emerging from the VoidWell, it’s been over a year since I last wrote a blog on this site. I feel like I’m peeking my head out of a cave I’ve been living in for many, many months.

At some point in the last week, I realized I had somehow reached a wall inside the cave I’d been living in—and there was nowhere further to go. I needed to turn around.

Much to my surprise, when I turned around, I found I was looking out into a vast, open, sunlit space that I knew to be my life ahead of me—empty, but full of opportunity and promise.Read more ...

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Living in the Fourth Dimension

Ascension into the Fifth DimensionSo, it seems that many of us are now stepping more and more fully into the Fourth Dimension, on our way into the Fifth Dimension. The fourth dimension is a bridge we’re crossing—or a kind of transitional phase we’re passing through—to help prepare us for entering the Fifth. This makes sense to me. Entering the Fifth Dimension seems like such a huge leap to make—we do need a stepping stone.

Most reports we hear about these higher dimensions speak a lot more about the Fifth Dimension than they do about the Fourth. And what I hear about the Fifth Dimension is exciting.… Read more ...

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The Wisdom of Accepting What-Is

Over and over again on my path of awakening, I seem to have to re-remember the same teaching: that in order to attain on-going inner peace, joy and freedom, I first have to stop resisting what life is giving me—and simply accept what-is.

I have to remember that if I approach life by resisting what-is and attempt to change things from that position, not only will nothing really change for the better—the inner peace, joy and freedom will continue to elude me.

How often I tend to forget this! And yet there is such relief when I realize that the sense of impatience, irritation or pain I’m experiencing is due to the fact that I’m resisting what-is.… Read more ...

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We are all Magnificent Awakening Beings

magnificent beingsLast night I had a powerful experience—one that transformed a belief into a profound knowing.

Over the years, I had read and heard from numerous sources—especially those who speak about Ascension and the Fifth Dimension—about how we as human beings are so much more than we think we are–that we are, in actuality, magnificent, complex beings with powers far beyond what we can imagine. I’d always believed this, and to some extent, felt that I’d experientially grasped this truth.

I knew we only use about 10% of our brains and maybe 5% of our DNA—and that there must be some use for the rest of our brains and DNA we hadn’t tapped into yet.  … Read more ...

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The Experience of Time—and the Eternal Now

watch in snow and treesTime is getting weird lately, have you noticed? The length of time something takes can seem unbelievably short—and at the same time, extremely long. It’s difficult to remember something that took place just a short while ago; and yet what happened long ago can seem so clear and bright, it feels like it happened yesterday.

This is more than just getting old. Elderly people have always said something like this—long term memory stays intact, while short term memory seems to slip away. But this is different. What is happening now to a lot of us is more of a sense that time itself is slipping away.Read more ...

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Overcoming Old, Self-Righteous Attitudes In Traveling to the 5th Dimension

american flag flapping in breezeI was looking out my window this morning and found myself watching the flag outside my neighbor’s house flapping back and forth in the gentle breeze. For a number of moments, I was taken by the simple grace and beauty of this flapping. And I was aware of a sense of gratitude I was feeling for how such small, mundane things like this can give me pleasure.

And then, I noticed that the flag I was so entranced with was an American flag. My mind was suddenly present with a sense of aversion: This is my Tea Party neighbor’s flag—my neighbor with the America-right-or-wrong attitude.Read more ...

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Living in New Earth Consciousness

photo of earth in outer spaceLast night I had a dream. I was with a group of friends I was having a good time with. But I was aware that in a little while, I needed to leave to get ready to go into town to give a talk to about 200 people. I was feeling confident about the talk—I had planned and rehearsed it well the day before.

Well, time went by very quickly. I got lost in the moment of the fun I was having with my friends, and suddenly I looked at the time and realized I had only ten minutes to get ready and drive to where I was to give the talk.Read more ...

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Are You a Frequency-Holder?

I love the Occupiers. I greatly admire what they’re doing. I see them as the beginning forces in the world that are starting to turn things around in a big way. They are bringing awareness to people, creating a change in attitude, awakening a sense of empowerment. And I have no doubt they will be influencing important government decisions before long. All this greatly excites me.

Yet I am not an activist, myself—at least not in that physical kind of way. It’s not my calling. Nor is it that of many people I know. We’re more of what Eckardt Tolle has called “frequency-holders”.Read more ...

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Making Decisions—How to Know “Right Action”

hand on chess pieceOften people come to me with the problem of not knowing how to make the right decision about something important in their life. I generally ask them what they have come up with so far and how they’ve gone about trying to make the decision.

Inevitably they tell me about a back-and-forth process they’ve been through in their mind in trying to come up with the right decision—and all the pros and cons they can think of about going in one direction or the other. And since the pros and cons usually kind of balance each other out, they can’t make up their mind as to what might be right.Read more ...

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What is the Shift?

 For thousands of years, humanity has inched its way toward greater spiritual maturity. Most human beings have been caught in the dense karmic energies of the earth plane, lifetime after lifetime, and have made very slow progress.

Only a few lone individuals from time to time have reached what’s been called “enlightenment” or liberation from suffering.

Although some of these individuals have stepped forward, bringing significant spiritual teachings to the planet, these teachings have inevitably been watered down into what have become religions—a process which has in many ways distorted and diluted the teachings.

A growing number of individuals in recent years have begun a conscious process of awakening.Read more ...

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What is the Fifth Dimension?

 Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth Dimension and humanity’s ascension into this new realm of existence.

In addition, many “ordinary” people are now having their own experiences, visions and inner “downloads” about the Fifth Dimension.

Not every source agrees on details about this dimensional reality, but most describe similar major characteristics, which are described below.

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension

According to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails.Read more ...

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Reflections on Ascension

Welcome to Vidya’s Blog. Subjects in these articles include the Fifth Dimension, the Shift, Ascension, spiritual awakening, human evolution and the New Earth.

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