Author Archives: Vidya Frazier

About Vidya Frazier

Vidya Frazier is the author of four books on the subject of Ascension: Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Ascension: Embracing the Transformation, Triumph of the Light, and The Ascension Lightworker's Handbook . As an author, energy healer, and transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has offered workshops, classes and public presentations over the past forty-five years on a variety of subjects pertaining to spiritual awakening, drawing on sources from both the East and the West as well as her own inner journey. She has presented at numerous IONS events, the New Living Expo, and a 5D New Paradigm conference.

Navigating your Way through the Chaos

A month ago, we were all thinking that 2020 had been a rough and chaotic year. And yet, we are now beginning to realize those earlier months were probably just a mild preview of what is still ahead of us. On many levels, we are likely heading toward even darker and more tumultuous times.

The confusion and fear amongst most people around the world continue to rise, as predictions of greater challenges and confusion abound, especially around the Covid-19 situation and the US election.

How can we prepare to meet these increasing challenges, while continuing to stay in tune with 5D consciousness – and on track with our spiritual missions?… Read more ...

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Mass Meditation for the US Presidential Election

As we’re all aware, there is great turmoil within our midst about the upcoming US presidential election on November 3. So many people are feeling anxious or angry — or despairing about the poor choice we’re being given.

There are also predictions of violence and false flags occurring before, during and after the election. So it seems really important that we do what we can to help bring a sense of stability, calm and sanity to America during these times.

This is late notice – but the inspiration just hit me to create a mass meditation as we approach the November 3 date.… Read more ...

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Challenges of Being an Ascension Lightworker
Amidst the Covid-19 Crisis

Not that long ago, being what could be called a “lightworker” felt pretty easy – it simply entailed being on a conscious spiritual path, generally holding light and love for everyone, and being of service to others.

Today, it’s a different story. Now that the world is fully in the throes of ascension due to the high-frequency waves of Light flooding the Earth, being a lightworker is not so simple. The world is falling apart; many people are in fear and pain; and loss, change and uncertainty reign everywhere. Our role has become more intense, more focused, and more demanding.

We are not just assisting others in the usual ways we have in the past: we have morphed into being “Ascension Lightworkers”, assisting people in awakening very rapidly into an immensely higher state of consciousness – whether we do this in a visible, active way, or in a quieter way of holding a high frequency of light for others to experience.… Read more ...

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Amidst the Covid-19 Crisis

Mass Meditation on 9/11
To Extinguish Fires on Entire West Coast

So far, 2020 has felt like a weird, chaotic sci-fi movie we’ve all been living in. In the last couple of days, those of us in California have been experiencing what’s now morphing into a violent horror film – filled once again with hundreds of raging, out-of-control wildfires. Along with highly toxic air quality – and eerily strange skies that glow neon orange.

People who have finally been able to go back home after being evacuated in the last two weeks are now being evacuated again. People who somehow survived the disastrous Paradise fire two years ago, having lost absolutely everything, are now also having to evacuate once again.… Read more ...

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Mass Meditation for Extinguishing the California Fires
Tuesday, August 25

As you are probably aware, fires are currently raging all throughout California at this point, having been caused by freakish lightning storms last weekend. In less
than a week, at least 560 fires have been ignited; and firefighters, who have been working 72-hour shifts, have barely begun to contain them. It is overwhelming on all levels.

As a northern Californian, I have witnessed and dealt with the horrific fires that have hit this state in the last few years; and yet, this complex configuration of fires is unbelievably many times worse than in previous years.

At this point, the area I live in is being circled by fires from every direction.… Read more ...

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Living within a 5D Bubble of Light

As incredible as it may seem, there are now reports that the second half of this year could be even more intense than the first. Sources are saying there may be a second wave of the virus that is a lot more virulent; the world economy continues to be shaky; and many of our familiar institutions are breaking down. The future is increasingly uncertain, both in the outer world and in most of our personal lives.

More than ever, there seem to be two choices for how we choose to navigate our lives: either with love or with fear. But even if we choose love, how can we do that consistently?… Read more ...

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Interview about the Approaching Golden Age

Recently, I was interviewed by a lovely woman in the UK, Sue Brayne, author of Living Fully, Dying Consciously and facilitator of online discussions about living and dying consciously. She asked some pertinent questions about the ascension process, the Fifth Dimension and the approaching Golden Age, and so I thought I’d post her transcription of our conversation here.

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Sue: Welcome Vidya. I love the title of your new book, — The Ascension Lightworker Guide: A Handbook for Weary Soulsbecause it certainly resonates with me! I am so delighted to talk with you.Read more ...

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New Book: The Ascension Lightworker Guide:
A Handbook for Weary Souls

If you know you’re a lightworker here to assist humanity through the process of ascension to the Fifth Dimension, you may very well be feeling quite weary at this point – and perhaps also fearful and despairing.

The intensity on the planet since the beginning of 2020 has been challenging, to say the least. Even before the recent violence began erupting, there was already so much fear, despair and anger within most of humanity. But now, there is rage and terror streaming through the collective consciousness, as well.

You may dearly want to help to bring sanity and wholeness to humanity – but it might feel pointless at times.… Read more ...

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Experiencing 5D
While Living in a 3D/4D World

Have you noticed that, despite all the chaos and disruption reigning in the world these days, and all the fear and despair so many people are feeling, you are nonetheless inexplicably having experiences of joy, freedom, peace and love?

If so, know this to be a sign that you are tuned into the powerful waves of high-frequency light now streaming onto the planet and you’re riding them. In doing this, you are likely dipping in and out of 5D consciousness – even though we are all still living in a 3D/4D world. I’ve found this is definitely possible to do at this point.… Read more ...

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5D Awakening is Happening

I was recently interviewed online by a bright and light-filled young man from Germany by the name of Andy Kloss. He asked some important questions about the ascension process, the Fifth Dimension, and how to make it through today’s world with as much wisdom and ease as possible.

Our discussion can be a reminder that, although these times feel dire and shaky, we really are seeing a lot of movement toward the shift into the Fifth Dimension. It’s very exciting to me. It can also be a good video to suggest to people who are just becoming acquainted with the concepts of ascension and the Fifth Dimension.… Read more ...

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Meeting your Grief, Despair and Fear with Compassion

As I’ve described in my recent posts, many exciting signs of awakening are occurring across the planet. There is much for us to celebrate – especially now, after the incredible response to the call for a mass meditation the other night on April 4. (We were successful, by the way!)

So many of us experienced intense light flowing through us as we participated and felt the excitement of being part of such a huge effort to clear the planet of the virus and help nudge humanity further toward 5D consciousness.

Nonetheless, there is still unbelievable horror occurring on a daily basis in many areas of the world, with all the deaths, the loved-ones grieving, the overflow of dead bodies in certain cities, and mournfully-fatigued medical staff attempting to deal with it all.… Read more ...

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The Great Awakening is Happening!

It’s unbelievable. So much awakening is occurring across the planet! How long have we been waiting for these times — times in which humanity would finally be making a shift toward the Fifth Dimension? How long has that dimension seemed like some mystical land we might sometime in the distant future be able to enter?

And who would have predicted it would begin happening during a time of total crisis and chaos, like a virus epidemic that would come upon us so quickly, seemingly out of nowhere? And yet, here we are at that point now — global awakening is, at long last, occurring!… Read more ...

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Do You Feel It?
Is “The Event” Beginning to Happen?

It’s totally irrational. Serious illness and death are occurring across the world; people are in fear and despair. Political squabbles are worse than ever.

And yet…and yet…if you tune in, you may become aware of…

*a feeling of profound joy and excitement bubbling up inside you
*a sense of deep inner peace
*a knowing that all truly is well, despite what it may currently look like.

Do you feel it?

There’s a sense of pause in the ethers around us…a stopping and a resting…

…as if the proverbial hamster that’s been running on the wheel for centuries has suddenly stopped – and is now set free, finding itself in a field of golden sunshine and wild flowers.… Read more ...

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How to Clear Conflicts with People
from a 5D Point of View

Are you finding lately that when you come into conflict with another person, it can be more painful than ever before?

If so, it’s probably because your vibration has been rising and you’ve become more familiar with higher states of consciousness where conflict doesn’t exist. As a result, you are generally freer of judgments and negative emotions and thoughts, and you likely experience more states of oneness with people.

So, when a sense of conflict and separation does occur in a relationship, the pain can sometimes be excruciating, especially if the person you’re in conflict with is someone you really love and respect.… Read more ...

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ASCENSION ANXIETY: How To Calm Yourself While in the Throes of Ascension

Are you feeling anxious more than usual lately? You may be experiencing “Ascension Anxiety”.

There are huge changes currently occurring on the planetary level. For a while now, there have been increasingly powerful streams of high-dimensional Light pouring into the earth, compelling us to give up old, low-dimensional strategies and patterns we’ve been stuck in, so that we can shift toward fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Although this Light is also helping us to let go of these patterns more easily than ever before, the process can be scary and painful if we are being forced to give up what has made us feel secure and safe in the past.… Read more ...

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Opening to 5D Love

There is perhaps no feeling quite like that of suddenly experiencing your heart bursting open to a Love that fills your entire being and streams out to everyone and everything around you. Your chest feels warm and expanded, pulsating with vibrant energy. And all mind chatter ceases, as you continue experiencing this extraordinary transformation of your being.

If you’ve ever had this experience, you have likely found that the energy rushing through you is so great, tears fill your eyes. You may even dissolve into sobs of joy and gratitude.

Such an experience can be so intense, you can feel as if you are made of nothing but Love.… Read more ...

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Giving Up Your Story of Suffering

Life is hard. No doubt about it — it certainly is for most people, in one way or another. There are always challenging situations that arise in relationships, work, finances, health. It’s something we learn to expect, believing it’s just how life is.

If you’re on a spiritual path, and especially if you know you’re an ascension lightworker, your life has likely been even more challenging than that of most people you know. You’re not only having to resolve your own karma you’ve brought in — you may have also taken on ancestral or collective karma. None of it is easy, but it’s what many lightworkers have contracted to do.… Read more ...

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Bring JOY Back into your Life!

If you have been on an awakening path for some time, you’ve  likely been successful in creating a general sense of contentment and peace in your life. Most of the time, you are probably able to experience a sense of centeredness and balance in yourself, even in rough times.

But what about JOY? How often do you experience that?

How often do you feel the passion and excitement that tend to spring from this high-frequency emotion? Or the bright expansion of consciousness in which your whole being lights up and your spirit soars?

Maybe in the past there were circumstances, events or relationships that seemed to create this kind of joy in you, but they’re no longer present in your life.… Read more ...

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Living in the “World-In-Between”

Do you ever feel these days as if you’re living in a world that feels temporary, like you’re somehow in a holding space, a pause in time?

Or as if you’re in a world in between two realities: the life you have known till now – and a new life that hasn’t quite begun yet?

I’m finding that many of us are in this kind of place. It’s uncomfortable and somewhat anxiety-provoking. We’re aware that the life we’ve lived all our lives is somehow fading and disappearing, but we are not yet living in a new one.

We’re in a type of no-man’s land, in between these two realities…waiting.

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Change, Loss and Uncertainty
Hallmarks of the Ascension Process

If you’ve been experiencing a lot of change, loss and uncertainty in your life lately, you can know you are deep into your ascension process. These are perhaps the most common indications that you’re in the process of making your way through the higher Fourth Dimension, preparing you to eventually enter the Fifth.

But it’s generally not a lot of fun, dealing with this process. Many people are finding that so much is changing in their lives and within their being, it can be frightening. They feel lost, without a compass to guide them through the ever-shifting reality they’ve entered into.… Read more ...

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